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Gioco del Ponte

The Battle of the Bridge is historically evocative event, which is divided into two distinct but equally significant: the historical procession along the Arno river, a sort of huge military parade, and the battle takes place on the Ponte di Mezzo, where teams of neighborhoods belonging the two opposing rivals give proof of their physical strength in a strongly competitive atmosphere. Some sources try to trace the origins of the game to the classic. There being some such cases, it is believed to have originated from the local processing of the Game Mazzascudo, which, from the eleventh to the thirteenth century it was played as a mock battle in the ancient square of Elders, today the Knights. The game was played between individual players, equipped with body armor, maces and shields. In the final day individual battle was replaced by a general battle with fighters divided into two teams "Rooster" and "magpie". The first edition of the Battle of the Bridge known and some is dated February 22, 1568. Bridge, site of the Battle, was the Ponte Vecchio, which corresponds to the Ponte di Mezzo, and purpose of the game was the conquest of a part or all of the half occupied by the opposing faction. Players of Tramontana and Mezzogiorno, were divided into teams of varying numbers, each consisting of 50 or 60 soldiers. Each team had its own colors and banners. The protagonists of the fight, based on direct physical confrontation, wore an armor, a helmet called "morion" and "tarragon", a sort of shield of linden wood or poplar - over a meter long and weighing more than five pounds - and asymmetrically oblong, with rounded ends, was also improperly used as a weapon. The violence of the fight has always been a constant feature of this game. The desire for autonomy from Florentine domination and exasperated the agony on the bridge, made the Gioco del Ponte unwelcome Pietro Leopoldo, so that, after the 1785, did not grant permission to make the most Battaglia, who know that a break until 1807, only in the XIX century. After a break of 128 years, the game lives on in the modern era, in 1935, in the same way the ancient historical traditions. After the war, in order to avoid direct confrontation, was created a mechanical device, a "shopping cart" on rails on which be pushed by the fighters. The event is traditionally held on the last Sunday in June and plans, before the fight, the historical parade with 709 participants. The troops of Tramontana and Mezzogiorno parade in separate order (giving rise to two distinct processions, of 314 participants each), but at the same time, the four Lungarni close to the Ponte di Mezzo, counterclockwise is also a third procession, that of Judges, of 81 elements. Also notable is the dramatic effect of the late sixteenth-century Spanish-style costumes worn by the actors, created for the edition of 1935, based on the sketches by art critic Fortunato Belloni, inspired by vintage prints Medici. The intensity of the effort by twenty members of each team, all of exceptional physical size, is impressive. As in ancient principle that gives the victory to the team that conquers the Bridge, pushing the cart and opponents at the opposite end of the sliding rail. During the fight s'avvicendano teams Tramontana, representing the respective Courts (Santa Maria, Saint Francis, Saint Michael, Mattaccini, Kicks and Satyrs) against those of the South (St. Anthony, St. Martin, St. Mark Lions, Dragons and dolphins). Prevailing Party s'aggiudica more partial victories. In case of a tie (three wins partial part) they proceeded, until 1996, for a decisive battle between two selections of the best fighters of the two sides. Edition in 1997 than in 2000 was recognized the result of a tie, thus abolishing the tie. The 2001 edition was introduced a novelty: the consolidation of two teams on each side, with a consequent reduction of the clashes from six to five. From the 2002 edition has been provided for the amalgamation of three teams facing each other in Part three fights. The 2004 returns five fights.

Gioco del Ponte

EVENTI TOSCANA PISA (From sabato 28 giugno 2014, expired 3752 days ago)

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