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Edda Bresciani Egyptological Collections of the University of Pisa

It is found in:

Via San Frediano, 12 - Pisa, tel +39 050 598647


Tuesday: 9:00 - 13:00

Wednesday - Friday: 9:00 - 13:00 and 15:00 - 18:00

Saturday, Sunday: 10:00 - 13:00 and 15:00 - 18:00

Monday: weekly closing


Full ticket: 2.50 euros

Free ticket: students of Tuscan universities *, disabled people with a companion, children under 14, journalists, tourist guides, with entrance tickets to the Botanical Garden and the Museum.

* The University Museum System of the University of Pisa adheres to the Unica Student Card circuit promoted by the Tuscany Region, with which it has entered into a special agreement.

Guided tour: 3.00 euros

Guided tours by appointment: € 2.00 per person.


The "Edda Bresciani" Egyptological Collections of the University of Pisa today represent a point of reference for scholars and enthusiasts of ancient Egyptian archeology and history due to the importance of its finds, especially those from the area of ​​ancient Nubia, largely the result of excavations carried out under the patronage of the University of Pisa.

The Egyptological Collections were born in 1962, thanks to a first donation made by Laura Birga Picozzi, descendant of the family of Ippolito Rosellini, the founder of Italian Egyptology: together with J.-F. Champollion, he led the famous Franco-Tuscan expedition in Egypt and Nubia (1828-1829), the basis for the study of ancient Egypt. The Schiff Giorgini Collection was added to the Picozzi Collection in 1964, consisting of about four hundred objects, some of exceptional value, from the excavations conducted by Michela Schiff Giorgini in Sudan under the patronage of the University of Pisa. In 1968 the collection of Ostraka di Ossirinco was acquired, fifteen hundred fragments of terracotta pottery (formerly used as a writing support), inscribed with texts in demotic that illustrate the life of a small oasis in Roman Egypt. Also part of the Egyptological Collections are the A. E. Breccia Archive, donated to the University of Pisa by the scholar's wife in 1967, and other material from the excavations in Egypt of the University of Pisa or donated by private individuals.

Edda Bresciani Egyptological Collections of the University of Pisa

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