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Square of Miracles Pisa

The square, reserved for pedestrians and covered by a large lawn, took on its present appearance only in the nineteenth century, especially by the architect Alessandro Gherardesca, who became interested in the restoration of monuments.

The Tower, the most famous leaning tower in the world as well as universal famous monument, was begun in 1173 and began to tilt to one side in 1274 before it was completed the third order.

The slope is due to the soil of sandy silt on which rest foundations, just three meters deep. Following the consolidation work carried out in the 90s of last century, the slope was reduced by about 40 centimeters, and the monument was reopened to the public, albeit in ways more limited access than ever before.

The core of the complex is the Duomo, the magnificent marble cathedral dedicated to Santa Maria Assunta. Started in 1063, it is a Latin cross with five aisles which was proclaimed Primatial Church when, in 1092, Pope Urban II bestowed the title of Primate Archbishop Daiberto, an honor today only formal.

The Baptistery, dedicated to St. John the Baptist, stands opposite the west facade of the Duomo. Replaces a previous baptistry, smaller, that was to the north of the Cathedral. Inside it has an unusual conical dome covering only the inside turn of pillars. The circumference of 107.25 m makes it the largest baptistery in Italy and the world.

The Monumental Cemetery is located on the northern edge of the square. According to legend, it was built around a layer of earth brought to Pisa by sea from the Holy Land after the Second Crusade (XII century). The structure is that of a rectangular cloister in the flamboyant Gothic style.

They are still ongoing restoration work started soon after the Second World War, when an artillery shell fell on the lead roof causing the melting and casting along the perimeter walls, covered with magnificent frescoes. The preparatory drawings of the frescoes found at the time of their posting, are now on display in the Museum of Sinopie, situated in the thirteenth century hospital on the south side of the square.

Square of Miracles Pisa

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