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Via Francigena crosses Siena Tuscany

The Via Francigena was a road that led to Rome the pilgrims traveling on foot, by mule or horse, through small villages and towns which still testify with their Renaissance cathedrals, Romanesque monasteries and sites a glorious past archaeological of faith and spirituality.

Today you are retrieving the old route in various parts of Italy and other European countries to raise awareness, cities, towns and small villages that have done so much in history, cultural growth and development.
Today the pilgrims on their way from Colle del Gran San Bernardo to San Pietro, visiting Siena, which in the Middle Ages enjoyed a great economic and cultural development thanks to the presence of the Via Francigena.

Via Francigena crosses Siena Tuscany

EVENTI TOSCANA SIENA (From luned́ 3 dicembre 2018, never expire)

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