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Villa Settefinestre near Orbetello in Tuscany

Villa Settefinestre lies between Capalbio and Orbetello in Tuscany, and is the site of a late Republican age, run by slaves and owned by a Senatorial family of the Volusii, built in the first century BC and enlarged in the first century by building a large cryptoportico.

The villa was fortified at a later date and the Fort was rebuilt as a villa, in the modern sense of the term, during the 15th century.

In the 1976-1981 period were conducted the excavations under the direction of Andrea Carandini in the area known as the Golden Valley, straddling Orbetello, Capalbio and Ansedonia,
near the Latin colony of Cosa, founded in 273 BC, reached from Rome along the Via Aurelia.

Villa Settefinestre was restored in the 1970s and transformed into a luxurious holiday residence and ruins, which are open to the public, placed scenically at a lush garden.

source wikipedia

Today, thanks to a project DO's we aim the spotlight ', will be on display in the ex Guzman munitions depot in Orbetello (Grosseto) from 15 September to 15 November 2018 the fresco of the Roman villa Settefinestre

Villa Settefinestre near Orbetello in Tuscany

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