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Castelnuovo Val di Cecina in Pisa

Castelnuovo Val di Cecina is a hill town easily recognizable by the characteristic shape of a cone of grapes. The municipality has a morphology varied, ranging from the Apennines to the Mediterranean and then get back hills with vineyards and olive groves.

The local economy is linked to the exploitation of forests and chestnut woods, sheep farming and mining. The last century marked the beginning of the exploitation of geothermal energy to produce electricity and district heating in urban centers.

They depart from Castelnuovo nature trails that reach places of historical interest, such as the bridge over the river Pavone, or vantage points from which you can admire the Valley of Cornia and the Gulf of Piombino. Nearby there are archeological sites of the Etruscan and Roman period.

Near the fortified village of Montecastelli will signal the Buca delle Fate, an Etruscan hypogeum of the sixth century BC, and the remains of copper mines, inactive since 1941. Around the ancient village of Sasso Pisano geothermal phenomena they are evident natural and of putizze fumaroles, which give the landscape a mysterious and infernal aspect, with fumes coming out of the ground filling the air with an acrid smell of sulfur.

After a long campaign of excavations has again visited the spa area of ​​Bagnone, a Hellenistic complex of the third century BC from which today still gush of water sources with temperature between 40 and 70 degrees.

In the medieval village of Leccia is the chapel dedicated to the Madonna del Latte, which is celebrated on June 14, invoking her protection from hail.

Castelnuovo Val di Cecina in Pisa

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